Timisoara Business Mixer 2017

//Timisoara Business Mixer 2017
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ABSL Romania, with the support of our Partners and Members, is pleased to invite you to the 2nd edition of Timisoara Business Mixer 2017, on June 21st, starting with 9:00 AM, at Hotel Timisoara, Viena Hall.

Up for growth! Upskilling workforce for the Outsourcing industry

Join us for an interactive session regarding the ABSL Business Services Master Program, project-based learning, internship legal framework and discover new career paths for students. We will also be hosting knowledge sharing sessions with the participation of our strategic partners: Mihaela Robu from ACCAGeorge Didoiu from Colliers International and Teodora Todoran from Wipro LimitedClaudiu Botoc, Vice Decan at the West University of Timisoara, will also join us with a presentantion.

Companies having interest in joining us with case study presentations should contact liliana.bizau@absl.rocalin.oana@absl.ro or absl@absl.ro by 14th of June, close of business.

ABSL is committed to organise Business Mixers events in local communities, so to facilitate knowledge sharing among our members and partners.

Registration for this event is free of charge.