ABSL Board Members meet potential investors in Bucharest

//ABSL Board Members meet potential investors in Bucharest

ABSL facilitates high level meetings with key leaders of our industry, consolidating a strong relationship with the authorities, consultancies and investors alike. Past month was especially busy, with investors coming from US and Western Europe. Via Deloitte and InvestRomania, with the help of the Association and its members, potential investors got a firsthand impression on the business environment and the challenges and particularities of the sector. Focusing on Financial services and IT development, the investors shared a good impression after the meetings and emphasised Romania as a strong option for future development.

Cosmin Patlageanu, President of ABSL Romania, notes:
Romania is almost everytime on the shortlist along with Poland, Bulgaria and sometimes Ukraine. Our cultural background, knowledge, skills and, let’s not forget, the abillity to speak many languages are key points. New market entries translate to more know-how coming to our sector, a greater diversity of services and more visibility in the end. We would like to thank everyone who cleared some space in their busy calendars to be part of these meetings, and we hope to grow the industry in such a way that we become more and more the first option for new investors.
