ABSL Romania announces the 6th edition of the Annual Conference: Romania at the Forefront of Innovation. Entering the Gates of Tomorrow

//ABSL Romania announces the 6th edition of the Annual Conference: Romania at the Forefront of Innovation. Entering the Gates of Tomorrow

On October 9th, at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, ABSL will host the 6th Annual Conference, under the theme: “Romania at the Forefront of Innovation. Entering the Gates of Tomorrow”.

Over 500 of the most influential leaders and representatives of prestigious companies operating in the domains of shared services, outsourcing business processes, outsourcing information technology, research and development are expected to participate to this year’s edition.

2018: Romania is still growing and maturing, yet at a crossroads. Most of business services companies are expanding, transforming and incorporating digital into their business models, in their endeavour to remain relevant and agile in the way they operate. Taking in the benefits of technology developments, valuing more the human input, business services companies in Romania are at the Forefront of Innovation.

Being reactive to clients’ needs is no longer enough – let’s go one step further and create solutions to needs that are not visible yet or do not exist yet. This where Innovation & Creative Problem Solving can be the game changers. Our ability to innovate will differentiate the players and create competitive advantage for those who dare to change, transform themselves and stay open to what the future brings.

And how can we do that? We will learn together on October 9th from more than 25 renowned speakers and specialists and from the 2018 ABSL Outsourcing Industry Report and the Salary Survey that will be officially launched during the conference.

Early Bird tickets are available at a special price (100 Euro/ ticket) until October 1st.

Agenda, tickets & registration are available on: 2018conference.absl.ro. Book your seat now! 

Let’s enter today the Gates of Tomorrow!
