ABSL Romania: Sibiu, a continuously evolving market, with great potential

//ABSL Romania: Sibiu, a continuously evolving market, with great potential

Sibiu, 7th of June 2018. Sibiu is a market with huge potential and constantly expanding, is one of the conclusions from „Outsourcing in 2018. Best Practices in Technology Adoption” conference, which was dedicated to the local business services community in the central region of Romania. The event took place yesterday at Continental Forum Hotel, the first of its kind organized by the Business Service Leaders Association in Romania (ABSL) in Sibiu.

The purpose of the event was to facilitate the exchange of good practices among companies in the business services industry, to recognize the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies, to deepen the practical aspects of process automation, and to identify a set of solutions for the future.

The main discussion topics were related to the effective adoption and implementation of new technologies, defining and achieving the business objectives, and the necessary skills, both for the effective implementation of those and for their enhancement.

One of the main conclusions of the conference was the evolution of the companies from Sibiu: many of them are in the process of implementing new technologies, identifying efficient tools and reorganizing internal processes. Robotic process automation can only be successful if, before the solution is implemented, process steps are simplified, people are trained and leaders are active promoters of change. The speakers’ recommendations for growing the local outsourcing industry were: infrastructure investments (towards transforming the city into a “smart city”), increasing the supply of office space, involving universities in business and gaining a competitive edge through alignment with new technologies and business models.

“The new technologies can improve the quality and efficiency of the processes, reducing costs, but we have to keep in mind they are only acting as an augmenting factor of the human element. Technology enhances human effort and standardizes its output, but this is dependent on the quality and the skills of our employees and can have a counterproductive effect, amplifying system errors, if the people controlling the processes are not adequately trained. Sibiu labor market has a great potential in this respect and could contribute to the development of the Outsourcing Industry in Romania, becoming an important destination for the investors in this field. That’s the reason why we have organized our first Business Mixer in Sibiu”, said Cătălin Iorgulescu, Vicepreședinte ABSL.

The conference was followed by a debate session involving participants in discussions on the opportunities and challenges involved in adopting robotic process automation.

This Business Mixer was attended by industry professionals, member companies and non-members and business representatives from the region.

The event ended with a networking meeting organized by ABSL, together with the Romanian-British Chamber of Commerce for the Sibiu business community.

Representatives of top companies who shared their experience through case studies and examples of good practice in the business services industry are: Andrea Allocco – General Manager Technology Reply, Radu Andrei – Director, Management Consulting Deloitte, Alesandra Bratan – Consultant, Office Department JLL Bucharest Offices, Norman Frankel – antrepenor, investor and specialist în Cyber-Security, Roxana Gheorghe – Marketing and Engagement Manager ACCA Southeast Europe, Paula Mantea Urdas – Service Desk Manager Stefanini, Marius Marza – Senior Project Director, Transylvania Area Manager Corporate Office Solutions, Mihaela Robu – Business Development Manager ACCA, Cristina Rogobete – Strategic Clients Manager Romania Hays, Ionuț Stanciu – Manager Innovation and Technology – KPMG Romania.

The event was moderated by Colin Lovering, Senior Vice-President Avison Young și Liliana Bizău, Senior Account Manager ABSL.
