Daniela Micușan, Arvato Romania: 2018 Year in Review

//Daniela Micușan, Arvato Romania: 2018 Year in Review

Looking back to 2018, I see many developments, various challenges, a cohesive team and a huge amount of trust in the market.

I am proud to see that Arvato Romania has been ranked on the 6th position as the Best Employer, not only in our industry, but amongst all the big players in the market, therefore it is a huge honor to see that what we do for our employees is appreciated.

2019 is going to bring us new, bold milestones, expansion and plenty of changes. Changes are not usually well perceived, and sometimes a change is not easy to handle, but I’m very optimistic about what 2019 will bring, business-wise. Due to the joint venture between Bertelsmann, and Saham, Arvato will enter in a rebranding phase, which means that a brand new company will be born. A new year, a new beginning, a new company. I can assure you that Arvato is going to grow due to your enthusiasm and engagement into everyday work. I am proud and happy to look at a great team, with amazing people that managed to grow and develop beyond expectations.

This year, in Brasov, we have launched a new pilot, and have managed to expand our client’s portfolio with an UK based company. In Bucharest, we have increased our business expertise with almost 50%. That means that we are heavily growing our presence in the market. However, this is just the beginning; we plan to grow even further in industries like IT, Food & Bev, Automotive.

In 2019, we plan to continue investing in our employer branding strategy. I believe that powered by people was, has been and will be one of our core principles in our culture. We have a people-oriented culture, where we invest in our employees’ happiness, thus we launched What’s your WHY campaign – where we promoted real people with strong and positive values. Due to this campaign, we got the chance to raise awareness about significant points in our company’s culture. We are open for communication, have an inspiring mission and vision and we support inclusion and diversity.

Finding the right people, has become a challenge, so we plan to invest more in HR tools and marketing. We want to be more vocal in the market, because we know that our company is a great company to work with, people just need to hear about it. We will continue with our internal motivational campaigns; we believe retention programs are crucial in our business, thus we are constantly developing interesting initiatives.

We promote a culture with many opportunities for development, trainings, providing a reliable career path, but we also want our people to have fun while building a strong career: internal contests, tickets to the most popular festivals, stand-up comedy shows, movie-nights, and wellbeing & health programs.

A great quote says, ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’, this is my message for 2019. I think every good change starts with us, so what we do depends on our actions. I hope this year we will learn to be better versions of ourselves.

Let’s not be afraid to communicate, love and grow. We just need passion, desire, work and good people around us, and then success will follow shortly.

Daniela Micușan

Country Manager

Arvato Romania
