[Members News] DXC Technology: Going Digital on Summer Internship

//[Members News] DXC Technology: Going Digital on Summer Internship

DXC Technology: Going Digital on Summer Internship

New times require new ways. Every year, in our company, we used to welcome students for internship programs. We had always good experience, they integrated our team quickly, they came with a fresh view and with a mindset that anything is possible provided that we try.

This year we found ourselves in a challenging situation due to pandemic circumstances. As management team we had to think how can we adapt to this new challenge, many questions came up: should we give up to our internship plans? Is it possible to make a virtual program? The impact would be the same?

In DXC we like challenges and going on new paths that are not well settled. The management team decided to continue and set up the internship program online, in the end it is just a matter of organization and involvement from employees to build consistent and meaningful online training sessions, business cases and to connect with interns. The final scope being to find ways to help them develop new skills and capacity to adapt to the corporate environment. We hope to come back with students testimonials about this new experience.

In the text, a picture with interns from FAIMA Polytechnical University in one of our online sessions: Andreea-Raluca Iancu, Ghenoiu Carmen-Alexandra, Ana-Maria Hanu, Muresan Eveline, Mirela Stanculeanu, Marian-Eugen Dan.

Big thanks to the team that actively contributed to the program: Cristina Badila, Tiberiu Telegescu, Roxana Oprea, to the training coordinator Mircea Ciobanu as well as all other colleagues involved in this program.

This piece of information is brought forward by DXC.