GDPR Knowledge Sharing

//GDPR Knowledge Sharing
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On 25 May 2018  the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come in force and we would like to make sure that your business is ready and compliant with the new requirements.

The aim of the GDPR is to protect all EU citizens from privacy and data breaches in an increasingly data-driven world that is vastly different from the time in which the 1995 directive was established. Although the key principles of data privacy still hold true to the previous directive, many changes have been proposed to the regulatory policies.

Is your company prepared for the new requirements? If yes, are you willing to share your experience within a dedicated ABSL Round Table on GDPR ? If not yet, this is your chance to ask the questions and have them answered on the spot, ready to implement and get advice on external affairs and specific legal issues.

This workshop will guide you through the process of readying your business for the new regulations with expert advice from Iulian Patrascanu, Founder and Senior Partner of Fine Law | Patrascanu & Associates, who is willing to share his experience on the topic during a dedicated ABSL Knowledge Sharing event on  15th of May in the Pipera area (detailed logistics regarding location and time will follow to all the enrolled participants).

Should there be any particular topics you wish to deep dive into during the event, please address them in the rubric from the registration form.

You may register for the event HERE.

We are looking forward to meeting all the GDPR compliance officers or dedicated responsible for this topic within your company.