How to live and work into this new reality. Protect the health and the mind of your employees.
13th September 2021 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
The pandemic taught us how to be resilient, empathic and responsible. But on the not-so-bright-side, the pandemic left some traces on our health, mentally and physically. And it’s not over. We are facing a new challenge – a fourth COVID wave and we better start preparing. Physically and mentally. Short and long term.
That’s why on September 13th we have prepared for you a brand-new webinar, along with our partners Regina Maria Health Network.
Our guests are: Georgiana Andrei, Corporate Sales Director, Regina Maria, The Private Healthcare Network and Alexandra Pirvulescu, medical advisor for the corporate portfolio in Regina Maria, The Private Healthcare Network.
The event will be moderated by Bogdana Buhos, Director, PwC
You’ll learn a series of important aspects:
- how the pandemic rules changed and how to prepare your teams
- the efficiency of the COVID vaccines
- post-COVID screenings but also about prevention
- what’s next after COVID – how can we heal our bodies and mind.
- the latest trends in wellbeing.
What we want? To help you protect your employees and your businesses.
Through its experience, REGINA MARIA will try to offer solutions to restore a balance and useful solutions in the new context.
The session will be facilitated via Zoom and it will be in Romanian. Feel free to ask questions, it’s an open discussion.