Microsoft Business Summit
6th November 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Microsoft Business Summit, the largest business & technology event in Romania, focuses on the transformations, opportunities and challenges that digital and technological development brings to the business environment. Its relevance to today’s dynamics both inside modern organizations and in their interactions with the market make it one of the unmissable events of the year.
The Summit is at the 6th edition, and takes place at the „I. L. Caragiale” National Theatre in Bucharest on 6th of November. As usual, it brings together leaders of the Romanian business environment, speakers of great impact and influence on an international level and technological innovators of the entrepreneurial landscape. Two of the distinguished guests this year are Ed Vaizey and Günter Verheugen.
Ed Vaizey served in the UK as Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, with responsibilities in the Departments for Culture, Media, Business and Innovation, among others. He occupied the position for 6 years, between 2010 and 2016, making him one of the longest running politicians to hold this title.
The latter, Günter Verheugen, is one of the architects of European expansion and also one of the leading voices on the topic of creating a connected global society. His background in politics as a decision maker on a national and European scale make him an authority on the topic of the challenges of historical trends.
For 2018 we’re offering a special discount to our members – 15% off your pass prices if you use the code ABSLMiTVx for ticket acquisition.
Join the conversation to learn how technology can fuel business transformation and develop your skills for innovation!