Romanian Outsourcing Summit 2017
23rd March 2017
Outsourcing Today, the integrated communication platform of the business services sector, presents the third edition of the annual Romanian Outsourcing Summit. The event will take place at Sheraton Hotel, Platinum Hall, on March 23, 2017.
Romania delivers services in 25 languages with more than 100 thousand specialists employed in the outsourcing industry and business services, and based on an estimated growth of 15-20% it will comprise 4-5 % of the country GDP by 2020.
The summit brings together industry experts, academic figures and authorities to discuss the steps to be done towards an efficient cooperation between authorities and the industry stakeholders and the trends that will alter the actual business model. The event is a tightly focused networking, business development and learning platform for executives from SSC, ITO, BPO organizations.
To submit a participation request please visit the registration page or contact: