Managing Emotional Energy at Work [workshop]

//Managing Emotional Energy at Work [workshop]
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At the ABSL Conference, Dale Carnegie Training Romania asked you which soft skills you consider as being the most important when looking ahead and in which you invested already. Since Emotional Intelligence had the biggest gap and was also the most highly ranked soft skill among the 400 live participants, ABSL & Dale Carnegie are following up on it and invite you to a Workshop under the theme Managing Emotional Energy at Work. The workshop will take on January 31, starting 9:30 to 11:30, at Dale Carnegie Premises (#16B, W.A.Mozart Str.).

Emotional bursts at work are experienced by too many of us and many times they have a legitimate cause. Unfortunately, they hinder or prevent many from otherwise becoming the team leaders they could be.

Most of us are aware of our slip-ups, but still they might inhibit others’ confidence in our ability to understand problems fully and make rational decisions for progress and improvement. Emotional overreaction can be scary to others.

Dale Carnegie Training now provides an effective way to begin exercising more control over our emotions so that we can inspire confidence and become the leader we know we could be. This 90-minute workshop will unpack this topic and help us towards managing emotional energy at work. The workshop will be facilitated by Andrei Popescu, Master Trainer | Dale Carnegie.

This event is dedicated only to ABSL Members.