Ferenc Gabor, Process Solutions: “we offer is a 10+ Year Career Development Program”

//Ferenc Gabor, Process Solutions: “we offer is a 10+ Year Career Development Program”

Job or career? Most people know the difference but often fall into the trap of chasing two rabbits.

At Process Solutions, what we offer is a 10+ Year Career Development Program. It starts, during the first 2-3 years, with focus on acquiring the fundamental technical skills. While development in the technical area continues for many years, including the “ACCA marathon”, soon we start learning & development in other areas such as work management, leadership and client relationship management. Ultimately, these merge into business management and results in developing well-rounded managers capable of leading teams and developing the business.

We are constantly looking for ambitious young people who are willing to invest in their careers. And the key word is “invest”, as opposed to maximising the returns at an early stage. The temptations are difficult to resist and young professionals are nowadays continually bombarded with promises of instant success and high earnings. Finding such people who are willing to swim against the tide is getting increasingly difficult.

In our learning & development program, training on-the-job plays a central role. Exposure to different industries and rotation are the basis of diversified experience while working in our office environment. In addition, we have the chance to work in other business environments and systems while delivering services at Clients’ premises.

Taking this one step further, we have involved and exposed some of our colleagues in various projects at PS Group level, including secondments at our headquarters. Alexandru Prunariu, one of our experienced team leaders, is a key member of the team that is designing and implementing the model and systems of tomorrow’s company. Main components of this extensive project consist of building processes and tools for automation and paperless office as well as an integrated capacity planning and management system.

In addition to colleagues who started their careers in PS and developed through the ranks during the years, we always welcome people with previous experience who are looking for “something else”. Usually this is a combination of different desires and needs, such as a better working environment, more autonomy and a deeper sense of involvement and purpose. During the recent years, we had the chance to strengthen our payroll and HR team with such new colleagues who have made a difference.

On balance, whilst from an external perspective we are an outsourced accounting and payroll provider, from an internal point of view we are, to an equal extent, a people development organisation. It’s a continuous, never-ending journey with ups and downs where getting better and moving forward is the goal.


Ferenc Gabor, Managing Director – Process Solutions
