KPMG 2018-05-24T12:19:08+00:00

Project Description

KPMG in Romania offers Audit, Tax, Advisory and Technology services to a large range of organisations from the private and public sectors. We assist firms and organisations in meeting their compliance requirements and help them, for example, to develop, restructure and access financing, adding value to our clients’ business. We have specialised staff with many different skills and backgrounds, and we are flexible – we adapt our services and develop new ones to meet the needs of clients as market conditions change.

KPMG was the first network of professional services firms to align its services along industry lines, and focuses on delivering high-quality, coordinated services to organisations in key lines of business. Companies in different industries can have very different needs – that is why KPMG member firms place an emphasis on industry focus.

KPMG in Romania is a member firm within the global KPMG network, which has offices in 152 countries and 189,000 staff worldwide. So we combine detailed local knowledge with the international skills and experience we can draw on from other KPMG firms.

KPMG in Romania opened its first office in 1994 and now employs more than 800 professionals, including both local and expatriate staff, in Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi and Constanta. KPMG in Moldova opened in 1997 in Chisinau. Both are member firms of KPMG International, a Swiss entity.

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